Report a Problem with our Website
We've recently added lots of new functionality to our website so you can choose a pet carer, book and pay for your pet care all on line. We've tried to make
the process as easy as possible but are always on the look out for ways to make it better. If you have any problems using it, or suggestions to improve it we would love to know.
We really appreciate your feedback - please be as specific as possible. The more detail, the better for us, eg
- is it a useability problem, or an error
- which page it occured on
- whereabouts on the page
- does it seem to be a permanent or intermittent problem? (intermittent problems may be related to your internet connection)
- how could it be improved?
- any other details you think might be relevant
Your feedback is very much appreciated. All the below fields other than the first are optional.